

Paradoxical flexibility of frameworks (22-04381L)

Joint project between RICAM in Linz and FIT, CTU in Prague.

Bricard's octahedra

New proof of the classification of Bricard’s octahedra

Movable Graphs

Graphs with infinitely many realizations in the plane satisfying edge length constraints

Number of Real Embeddings of Minimally Rigid Graphs

Finding edge lengths of minimally rigid graphs with many real embeddings.

Construction of algorithms for Parallel Addition

Parallel Addition algorithms in non-standard numeration systems are constructed by so called Extending Window Method.


More Publications

. Constructing reflection-symmetric flexible realisations of graphs. preprint, 2024.

Preprint Project

. Bracing frameworks consisting of parallelograms. The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics, 2022.

Preprint PDF Project Interactive Jupyter notebook DOI

. Zero-sum cycles in flexible polyhedra. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2022.

Preprint Project DOI

Paradoxical flexibility: frameworks and polyhedra
Sep 10, 2024
On the existence of reflection symmetric flexible realizations
Sep 5, 2024
PyRigi - software package for rigidity theory
Sep 3, 2024